Hello; I’ve been meaning to start writing, and have been waiting for the right moment. I don’t think there’s ever a right moment.
I’m 30, and for half of my life, have been struggling with an eating disorder, anorexia. I’ve spent the last year in a day-patient treatment clinic, actively working on recovery. I also have hip dysplasia, and a fusion in my sacroiliac, all stemming from a traumatic car accident when I was 18 years old, where I was the passenger. I have spent all of my adult life in pain. I love sport, I love dogs, I love the sea, I love music, I love nature, and I find writing a great creative outlet for putting my thoughts together, one word at a time, trying to make sense of the world. I find Medium a great source for strength and community in a variety of areas. After being a reader for a little while, I thought I’d come and join to say hello and tell my story. So here we are.